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Why Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an opportunity to reinvent the financial system and create something that is more transparent, accessible, and innovative.

We believe that Bitcoin is the future of money


Photograph of Bitcoin Island - the Isle of Man - Douglas
Photograph of United Kingdom - London
Photograph of United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Our team

We’re a group of enthusiastic and passionate people who are committed to revolutionising the financial industry.

Our passion and energy is contagious, and we hope to inspire others to join us in the pursuit of a better financial future.

CoinCorner team photo
Danny Scott representing CoinCorner through the media

Our message

Through public talks, media, podcasts, and more, our team helps educate individuals and businesses on the benefits of Bitcoin.

We believe that education is key to driving Bitcoin adoption

Media Featured in


Britcoiners Podcast team from CoinCorner - a weekly Bitcoin and industry updates.
Britcoiners logo

A Bitcoin podcast from the team at CoinCorner. Join Danny, Molly, Zakk and Dave for industry-led opinions on important stories from the week.

CoinCorner YouTube account link CoinCorner Twitter account link CoinCorner Facebook account link
What Bitcoin did with Daniel Scott

What Bitcoin Did

How Lightning Drives Global Bitcoin Adoption with Danny Scott.

Link to What Bitcoin Did podcast episode 597

Our team on

X Logo - formerly Twitter

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